Military Education Centers interested in establishing a base-sponsored National Test Center (NTC) coordinate with a local or on-base institution (college or university), the base Commanding Officer and DANTES. The advantages of having a NTC on or near base are many. Computer-based testing reduces administrative work associated with paper-based test administration; DANTES funds the test and examination fee, and students receive instant score results.

At the base-sponsored NTC, the institution is responsible for providing staff, computers, technical support, and Internet connection. If the NTC can be located on station, the base provides the room/space for the computer lab. It is a win-win situation for the institution if they already have a computer lab, as it maximizes the use of their computers and generates funding to maintain and operate their facility. Service members pay nothing while testing on base and receive instant score results.

For inquiries concerning establishing NTC operations in Europe please contact the IMCOM Europe Region Army Continuing Education System (ACES) representative, currently Mr. Mark Summerlin. He can be reached at DSN/VOIP 314-544-1240, CML 011-49-611-143-544-1240 or by E-MAIL at:

For inquiries concerning establishing NTC operations in the Middle East, Africa, and the deployed locations throughout Southwest Asia, please contact the DANTES European Representative, currently Mr. Steve Myers. He can be reached at DSN/VOIP 314-544-1210/1230, CML 011-49-611-143-544-1210/1230 or by E-MAIL at: