GED Records for administrations After to 1 July 1974:

Records for the GED exam taken by military personnel on a military installation after 1 July 1974 are maintained by GED Testing Service (GEDTS).

USAFI/GED Records for administrations Prior to 1 July 1974: 

Transcripts are available for U.S. military personnel who took the GED exam prior to September 1974 through the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI), as well as;

  • Ft. Jackson personnel who tested before June 30, 1974
  • U.S. Coast Guard personnel who tested before January 1975 

Request a free transcript through the Joint Services Transcript (JST) program by visiting: 

Note: USAFI Transcripts may also contain score data for tests which may be worth college credit, such as Tests of General Education Development (GED) College Level, General Examinations of the College-Level Examination Prep (CLEP), USAFI Subject Standardized Tests (USST) and End-of-Course Tests.